Winslow Heron Rookery

  • Two herons interact at their nest

A Sanctuary for the Great Blue Heron

Conservation Opportunity: Winslow Rookery

The Winslow Rookery, located on Lovell Ave, is one of the few known nesting sites for Great Blue Herons on Bainbridge Island. The rookery has been established for decades, with approximately 25 nests constructed high in the big leaf maple trees along the shore of Eagle Harbor.

As increasing development pressure threatens this sensitive species, protection of rookery habitats is crucial to sustaining their life cycle and access to food. The Winslow Rookery serves as a delicate sanctuary for these majestic birds within the dense Winslow corridor. Beyond the habitat itself, this small parcel features tidelands, shoreline, wetlands, and riparian vegetation—  all vital for sustaining the health of the harbor and supporting climate resilience.

With your support, we have the opportunity now to secure this irreplaceable habitat, ensuring this home for the iconic Great Blue Heron and other wildlife remains undisturbed for generations to come.

Join our Stand for the Land movement today, and together we will conserve the Island’s most cherished natural habitats. Right now, thanks to a generous matching challenge, your donation will be doubled—up to $50,000!


Please note that this property is not currently open to the public.

Map of Winslow Rookery, noting its location south of Moritani Preserve and west of Lovell Ave
Acres to be Protected

~0.5 acre

Fundraising Goal


Conservation Features
      • Wetlands
      • Shoreline
      • Wildlife networks
      • Climate resilience


Conservation Opportunities